Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Expressing Sorrow And Attention

Hai teman. 
Sekarang saya akan memberikan sedikit contoh percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Percakapan ini mencakup "Expressing Sorrow And Attention".
Apa sih Expressing Sorrow itu? jadi, expressing sorrow itu adalah mengungkapkan kesedihan seseorang. Lalu, apa yang dimaksud dengan expressing attention?
Expressing attention erat kaitannya dengan expressing sorrow. Jika seseoorang sedang sedih, tentunya kita akan menghiburnya bukan? Nah, jadi expressing attention itu mengungkapkan kepedulian kita pada seseorang, entah disaat dia sedih, bahagia, ataupun disaat-saat yang lain.
Lalu bagaimana dengan percakapannya? Langsung saja. Ini dia :)

Teacher : hi, why do you look so sad? I know you’re not concentrating on the lesson. What’s wrong?
Student : oh, I’m sorry Ma’am. Did I make a sad face?
Teacher : yes, you are. Do you have any problem?
Student : yeah, but it just a little problem, Ma’am.
Teacher : If that just a little problem, you will not look sad like that.
Student : okay, Ma’am. I have a problem.
Teacher : oh, really? Tell me. I will help you to solve the problems.

Student : do you know, Ma’am? If I want to school, then I have to pay school fees every month,right?
Teacher : yeah, why?
Student : I don’t have money to pay my school fees and my mother having surgery in a hospital.
Teacher : Oh my God. I’m sorry to hear that.
Student : Because of that, I need a lot of money to pay my school fees and my mother’s surgery cost. But I didn’t have.
Teacher : I will lend you my money from my savings in the bank. Don’t be sad, ok?
Student : Oh really? Are you serious Ma’am?
Teacher : yes, of course.
Student : thank you so much Ma’am. How lucky I am.

Sekian dan terima kasih sudah berkunjung. Semoga bermanfaat. :)

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